Summary of the INTERLAKEN+10 workshop: Governing Forest Landscapes: Lessons learnt from ten years of experience and the way forward post-2015
The Interlaken+10 workshop was a country-led initiative (CLI) in support of the UN Forum on Forests (UNFF), organized jointly by Switzerland with Indonesia, South Africa, Mexico and Ukraine. The workshop gathered approximately 140 participants, including policymakers working at the national and local government level, and representatives of international organizations, local communities, civil society and the private sector.
Verónica Galmez Andean Forests Program |
In this newsletter you will find summaries of the workshops, and the contributions of the delegation of Latin America. Veronica Galmez, Andean Forests Program, reported on discussions, explaining that participants brainstormed on how international processes are shaping policy at the national level. The group recognized the need for financial resources for implementation and the importance of monitoring systems which lead to increased transparency. Participants defined a number of challenges and made associated recommendations, including on: the need for stronger institutions at a sub-national level, with adequate capacities to implement action on the ground; better coordination between agencies that focus on development, participation and environment issues; designing better tools and mechanisms to translate policy visions into operations on the ground, with adequate financing, clear guidelines, holistic approaches and efficient use of existing tools; improving the participation of the forest sector in national accounting systems to help recognize the full value of forests; and setting goals and mechanisms to engage market actions and boost public-private partnerships.
We invite you to learn more about the discussions and results achieved in INTERLAKEN +10 Bulletin edited by IISD, in this link.
Source: IISD Links of Interest:
Web Andean Forest Programme
Video Andean Forest Programme