7th World Water Forum. The largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any Latin American city

Under the 7th World Water Forum, the National Superintendent of Water and Sanitation Services of Peru (Sunass), the Swiss Water Partnership and Forest Trends organize a side event announcing the largest financial commitment to green water infrastructure for any city Latin American . We invite you to join!

When:                        Thuesdas, April 14, 2015 at 10:00 – 11:00 am
Where:                       The Swiss Boot, EXCO Expo & Fair, Daegu
Presenter:                Fernando Momiy, President of The Board, SUNASS, National Superintendent of Water and Sanitation Services of Peru
Facilitators:               Olga Darazs, President of the Swiss Water Partnership, and Marco Daniel, Coordinator of the Swiss Water Partnership

Just a few weeks ago, SUNASS (Peru`s water utility regulator) approved the creation of two new funds that will finance innovative and sustainable water resource management for Lima, the capital of Peru and the second-largest desert city in the world. The decision creates a green infraestruture fund as well as a fund for climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, together worth 4.8% of the Lima water utility`s 5-year budget (approximately USD 112 million).

See more details here


More information:
Web 7th World Water Forum
Contact: Gena Gammie (ggammie@forest-trends.org)

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