Mountains and Water. From understanding to action.

Official high-level side events to celebrate International Mountain Day 2014


This event highlighted progress made in climate change adaptation, mitigation and monitoring in mountain environments worldwide. This event aimed to raise awareness of the role, challenges and opportunities of mountains as the water towers of the world. It articulated discussions on sustainable mountain ecosystem and water management with current reflections of the UNFCCC. High representatives of Bhutan, Peru, Kyrgyzstan, Guinea, Argentina, Chile and Switzerland participated.

Mountain and Climate Change

  • H.E. Ms. Dorji Choden, Minister for Works and Human Settlement, Bhutan
  • Ms. Maria-Helena Semedo, Deputy Director General of FAO
  • H.E. Ms. Doris Leuthard, Federal Councilor, Head of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, Switzerland
  • H.E. Mr. Bahtiyar Abdiev, State-Secretary of the State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry, Kyrgyzstan
  • H.E. Ms. Flavia Munaaba Nabugere, State Minister for Environment, Uganda
  • Ms. Silvia Révora, Chair of the Mountain Partnership Steering Committee, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Argentina
  • Moderator / Dr. Andrew Taber, Executive Director of the Mountain Institute

Doris Leuthard
Federal Councilor, Head of the Federal Department
of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, Switzerland
Silvia Révora
Chair of the Mountain Partnership Steering Committee,
Ministry of Environment, Argentina
Dorji Choden
Minister for Works and Human Settlement, Bhutan

Pictures gallery

Links of Interest:
Web Climate Change in Mountains at UNFCCC COPs

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