What are the enabling conditions at sub-national level for financing Climate Change Adaptation? Experiences from Peru, India, and Chin

Considerable experience has been gained by governments of China, India and Peru in implementing climate change adaptation programmes.

Policy makers and scientists discussed how to align climate funding mechanisms with existing systems of decentralization in a country. The speakers shared their experiences on the enabling conditions that are necessary at the sub-national levels, from three diverse contexts. A recent research by DIE provides insights on the potential and limitations of using social protection systems for channeling international climate finance to vulnerable communities for fostering socio-economic inclusion.

Paola Bustamante
Minister of Development and Social
Inclusion of Peru
Britta Horstmann
Senior Researcher Climate Change & Development
German Development Institute – DIE
Madam Huang Wenhang
Head of International Cooperation, Climate Change
Division of NDRC, China


Policy briefs:

Enabling conditions for an Effective Management of Climate Change Adaptation in Peru – PACC Peru brief (PDF)
Providing International Adaptation Finance for Vulnerable Communities: A Study on Potentials and Limits of Social
Investment Funds – Study (PDF)
More information:
Programe Side Event (PDF):

Pictures gallery

Links of Interest:

PACC Peru project, Fact sheet, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – SDC
Web PACC Peru

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