Launching Event: Andean Forest. Valuing Natural Capital

Launching Event: Programme Mountain Forest and Climate Change Management in the Andes

Andean Forest Programme

The Andean Forest Programme is an initiative of the Global Programme Climate Change of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC aimed at promoting sustainable management of mountain landscapes and at valuing the rol played by the Andean Forest in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. The Andean Forest Programme will promote knowledge generation and sharing, action and decision making for the conservation and sustainable management of the mountain forest facing climate change.

The Andean Forest Programme will be implemented in partnership with a wide range of actors in countries sharing the Andes: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,  Peru and Venezuela; and will promote new mechanisms for collaboration and networking between them. The Andean Forest Programme is facilitated by the consortium HELVETAS Swiss IntercooperationCONDESAN.

The launching event was hold on December 10th, in the framework of the Twentieth Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC in Lima at the Forest Pavilion in the Voices for Climate Fair.

5 infographics to understand the role and value of the Andean forest:

Pictures gallery
To learn more:
Los bosques de montaña: Oportunidades y retos en los Andes, Ken Young, (PDF)

Links of Interest:
Web Andean Forest Programme

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