30% / 2030

Learn more about the Intended Nationaly Determined Contribution (INDCs) in Latin America

Yachaykusun: Andean lessons for Global Climate Governance

This summer in Berne, the PACC Perú project presented the book “Yachaykusun: Enseñanzas Andinas frente al Cambio Climático (Yachaykusun: Andean Teachings for Climate Change”) “It is important to work on the problems of climate change together with other priority development themes. In this effort, science and research are key”, Manuel Sager, SDC’s director, emphasised at the […]

Knowledge to Action Lab

How do we move to implementation? One of a series of questions the MAPS country teams tried to answer at the Knowledge to Action Lab in Colombia later August.

Dos oficinas federales coordinan la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo en representación de la Confederación Suiza: La Cooperación Económica – SECO y la Cooperación Internacional – COSUDE gestionada desde el Hub Regional.