The forum will provide an opportunity to discuss experience and information about glaciers and mountain ecosystems, promoting cooperation channels between public agencies, civil society organisations, businesses and the academic world for applying research to the sustainable development of mountain communities.
The International Forum on Glaciers and Moutain Ecosystems has outlined the results as: i) the identification of the cooperation mecanisms betrween institutions, civil society organisations and the academic world, to use information about glaciers and mountain ecosystems in order to manage them sustainably; ii) the enhancement of national glacier and mountain ecosystems policy, contributing to the focus of the National Strategic Plan for Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems; and iii) the presentation of the forum conclusion at the 2016 World Mountains Forum.
Thematic CommitteesLa organisers have chosen to include thematic committees in the programme for the two first days, to encourage discussion about the experience acquired during research.
The organisers have drawn up a number of points to be taken into account for participating as a speaker:
- Summaries (600 word maximum) must include: the title, author name, research objective, methodology, conclusions, information about the author and the central theme.
- The word count may not include the title, author name, tables, institution, images or published articles.
- Summaries may include a maximum of two tables and two images. These must be placed at the end of the summary.
- Published articles that correspond to the theme chosen must be included.
- Summaries must be send to the e-mail no later than domingo 15 May, 2016.
Project Poster Exhibition
The organisers will exhibit panels outside the conference room over the three-day event. Institutions that wish to present their projects should send their proposals for selection in compliance with the following criteria. A total of 28 posters will be chosen.
Selection criteria
- Research linked to the main theme of the event
- All the authors and institutions involved
- Send the research summary describing the context, objectives and conclusions of the work
- Indicate the current phase of the project
- Indicate all the authors and institutions involved
- Maximum number of words: 300 words
- Projects must be send to e-mail by Sunday 15 May, 2016.
The forum is being organised by the National Institute of Research into Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems (INAIGEM), and is supported and funded by the Environment Ministry (MINAM), the National Water Authority (ANA); the National State-Protected Natural Parks Service (SERNANP), La Molina Agricultural University, Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo University (UNASAM), the National Civil Defence Institute (INDECI), CARE Peru, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN), Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, The Mountain Institute (TMI), Nature and Culture and the American Climber Science Program (ACSP).
Further information:
Contact and information: Marianna Mindreau
Web Foro Internacional de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montañas
PDF Antecedentes Foro Internacional de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montañas
PDF Apoyo Financiero expositores Foro Internacional de Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montañas Links of interest:
Proyecto Glaciares, fact sheet, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Swiss Embassy