El Global Reporting Iniciative (GRI) realizará un estudio de referencia sobre cómo las actividades de los programas contribuirán a la mejora de los informes de sostenibilidad y el rendimiento de las empresas. Por ello, el GRI está en busca de un aliado institucional para realizar una investigación de casos en Perú y Colombia.
Global Reporting Initiative es una organización cuyo fin es impulsar la elaboración de memorias de sostenibilidad en todo tipo de organizaciones. GRI produce un completo Marco para la elaboración de Memorias de Sostenibilidad, cuyo uso está muy extendido en todo el mundo. El Marco, que incluye la Guía para la elaboración de Memorias, establece los principios e indicadores que las organizaciones pueden utilizar para medir y dar a conocer su desempeño económico, ambiental y social.
To measure and monitor the program success in Colombia and Peru, GRI will conduct a baseline study on how the program activities in these countries from the start in January 2013 to May 2015 contribute to improvements in companies’ sustainability reporting and performance.
Part of this baseline study will be case studies that shall exemplify changes in sustainability performance and reporting in connection with the application of the GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. GRI is now seeking an institutional partner to conduct such case studies for the period July 2014 to May 2015. More information about the project and role of the institutional partner can be found in this Request for Proposals.
Should you be interested in partnering with GRI in this project, please do not hesitate to submit your proposals. If the position is not relevant for you, we would also greatly appreciate your help in passing the information to contacts within you network who might be interested in the position.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Andrea Pradilla, Director, Focal Point Colombia, pradilla@globalreporting.org
Elena Perez, Senior Coordinator Network Relations, perez@globalreporting.org