Innovative technologies have a central role to play in the effort to alleviate poverty in this world. Innovative technologies should also mean appropriate technology in the sense that they should be socially, culturally, environmentally and economically accepted by the stakeholders. However, what are the key factors that will determine whether or not a technology succeeds in its intended role to reduce poverty?
The UNESCO Chair in Technologies for Development hosted by the Cooperation and Development Center (CODEV) invites authors from research, industry, policy or civil society to submit their abstracts under one of the conference sessions. The 2014 Tech4Dev International Conference has the support of Swiss Cooperation Development.
Conference Themes
- What are the needs for essential technologies?
- What are successful processes to develop and deploy essential technologies?
- How can we evaluate the impact of technologies? How does impact measurement drive innovation?
Core Areas
- Technologies for sustainable development of habitat and cities
- Information and communication technologies for the environment
- Science and technology for disaster risk reduction
- Technologies for sustainable energy
- Medical technologies
The abstracts can either offer good examples and pilot experiences of concrete applications or provide reflections on these issues. Abstracts need to be based on North-South or South-South collaborations. Abstracts in English of a maximum of 500 words using the prescribed template have to be submitted online no later than 14 October 2013.
Documents and Link:
Call for abstracts
Abstract Template and Grant Application Form
Abstract Online Submission
More information:
General information 2014 Tech4Dev International Conference