Experts present infographics the conclusions of their independent evaluation of three of Swiss Cooperation’s emblematic initiatives in the region.
Adapting to climate change and reducing disaster risk from glacier retreat
Glaciers 513 project evaluationLearn more about the 15,000 people benefited
Objetivo / Objetive Español / Inglés |
Glaciares en cifras Glaciers project in figures Español / Inglés |
Principales resultados Main findings Español / Inglés |
Improving the climate and the air we breathe in Cities of Latin America Air quality and climate change evaluation in Cities of Latin America
Learn more about a model for transferring information between cities
Proyecto Bogotá DPF Bogota DPF Project Español / Inglés |
Panorama a Futuro Perspective to the Future Español / Inglés |
Principales Logros y Resultados Outcomes and Achievements Español / Inglés |
Proyecto Santiago Follow-Up
Santiago Follow-Up Project Español / Inglés |
Socios del CALAC CALAC Partners Español / Inglés |
Climate services at the service of development ClimAndes evaluation
Learn more about the value of climate services and the global framework for developing them
About the project Inglés |
Enhancing education and training Inglés |
From education to provision of climate services Inglés |
Generating the best climate information to support decision making Inglés |
Links of interest:
Glaciers Project, fact sheet, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC (spanish version)
CALAC Project, fact sheet, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC (spanish version)
ClimAndes Project, fact sheet, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC (spanish version)