Knowledge to Action Lab

How do we move to implementation? One of a series of questions the MAPS country teams tried to answer at the Knowledge to Action Lab in Colombia later August.

Mitigation Action Plans & Scenarios Programme – MAPS – has a dedicated team to investigate and analyse aspects of mitigation policy and its implementation. The team seeks to identify how leaders in the MAPS countries can be persuaded to facilitate a transition to a low emissions pathway that favours growth, inclusive development and poverty alleviation.

The lab enabled team members of Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Peru and South Africa to return to their countries prepared to provide recommendations on the design of implementation processed and thus shorten the gap between evidence provided and on-ground action.

Download the program here
Download presentations of day 1 here
Download presentations of day 2 here


More information:
MAPS Project, fact sheet, Swiss Embassy in Peru, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC (spanish version)

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