First report: National Water Footprint

Presentation of the First Report on the National Water Footprint for Peru’s agricultural sector

The National Water Authority (ANA) of the Agriculture and Irrigation Ministry presented, for the first time in Peru, the National Water Footprint Report, focussed on the country’s agriculture sector, drafted with the support of Swiss Cooperation and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).

This report is important primarily because of the water footprint indicators, which measure the total volume of fresh water used to produce a company’s goods and services, or consumed by a person or community.

It is essential to measure Peru’s water footprint in order to plan the resource, and guarantee water security and sustainable development.

In Peru, approximately 90 per cent of the national water footprint of production is linked to the agricultural sector.

First Report on the National Water Footprint for Peru’s agricultural sector (PDF)
(Spanish version)
Learn more about the footprint of the Lima food basket. (PDF)
(Spanish version)

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