Thinking Peru 2016: General elections



Over 250 former civil servants and experts meet to identify the main problems in public administration and propose alternatives which are technically necessary and politically viable. It should enable the public to cast a more informed vote, by providing ideas and concrete proposals for public debate

#PensandoelPerú2016 is an initiative promoted by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (Instituto de Estudios Peruanos) for gathering the opinions of representatives from various sectors to build an agenda with public policy proposals and policy reforms, and for drafting materials and documents which will be useful for the media to debate with candidates, enabling the public to cast a more informed vote, by providing ideas and concrete proposals for public debate.

In the framework of this initiative, Swiss Cooperation (SDC), through its SABA+ project (Basic Comprehensive Sanitation Model) has been providing technical support and funding in the Public Policy Dialogues component, on the Water and Sanitation Committee, where over 250 former civil servants and experts meet to identify the main problems in public administration and propose alternatives which are technically necessary and politically viable. SDC presents here the documents that were discussed and strategically circulated to the stakeholders involved in the issues during the elections campaign, and now in the second round of the presidential elections, emphasising the efforts and the work with specialist technical teams from the two political parties that are vying for the presidency.

  • Media release on Public Policy in Water and Sanitation (pdf )
  • Primer on Water (pdf)
  • Info graph on Water and Sanitation (pdf)
(spanish only)

The Thinking Peru (#PensandoelPerú2016) initiative has brought together civil society entities, academia and various media organisations which take part in the thematic workshops. In the last week of March, with the support of Gestión newspaper, the committee’s experts met to highlight priorities for achieving an efficient public administration of quality, promoting debate, and placing the sixth United Nations Sustainable Development Goal on the public and government agenda: “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Once the new government is elected, the Thinking Peru 2016 initiative will track how the proposals and recommendations are implemented in the first 100 days of the new government.

The three articles below were written by Guillermo León, chair of the Sanitation Engineering Chapter of the Peruvian College of Engineers, published on 31 March in the Gestión newspaper. They present the conclusions of the committee’s work.

Click to see article
(spanish only)
Click to see article
(spanish only)
Click to see article
(spanish only)

Swiss Cooperation (SDC) is providing technical and financial support to the Peruvian government in water and sanitation initiatives, in close coordination with the Ministries of Development and Social Inclusion and of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, to help increase access to services, quality water coverage and basic sanitation services for Peru’s under-privileged rural areas and to enrich the global debate through capitalising on the experience.

Links of interest:
SABA+ Project, Ficha de proyecto, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Pensando el Perú 2016
Web Diálogos de Política Pública

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