Las redes de conocimiento de la COSUDE funcionan como comunidades profesionales que proporcionan servicios básicos para los miembros y los ayudan a convertirse en una fuente más valiosa de conocimientos y experiencia en relación con el desarrollo.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Water network «ResEAU“ welcomes all SDC staff and partners interested in sharing new insights, discussing relevant topics and acquiring enhanced professional capacities, in order to improve the relevance, coherence and effectiveness of the field operations and policy interventions in the water sector. Más información: |
The Climate Change and Environment Network of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) promotes the integration of climate change mitigation and adaptation approaches into the programmes and activities of SDC and its partners. The Network is hosted by SDC’s Global Programme Climate Change (GPCC). Members of the CCE Network are interested SDC staff and development practitioners with connections to the activities of SDC. Más información: |