Effective Climate Finance and Carbon Market Solutions for INDC Implementation

On December 3 as part of the cop21 in Paris, was performed the side event «Effective climate finance and carbon market solutions for INDC implementation».

The event was moderated by Axel Michaelowa from the University of Zurich and feature government representatives, researchers and carbon-markets, climate finance and mitigation practitioners. Christian Huggel shared with the assistants key adaptation measures held on GPCC projects in the Andes and India, which were very well received because they are concrete and tangible.

Certainly the COP 21, has as a major challenge the issue of climate finance in the Paris agreement.

Nguyen Khac Hieu, MONRE Viet Nam:
Mitigation targets from different sectors in Viet Nam (PDF)

Nguyen Tuan Anh, MPI Viet Nam:
Climate Finance needs and approaches in Viet Nam (PDF)

Stephan Hoch, Perspectives:
Designing programmatic mitigation finance under the GCF – lessons from CDM PoAs (PDF)

Christian Huggel, University of Zurich (UZH)**:
Experiences with adaptation projects and lessons for climate finance (PDF)

Jürgen Hacker, BVEK:
How a system of tradable emission rights can be a key component also for developing countries’ INDCs (PDF)

Panel Discussion with 2 additional Discussants presenting practical approaches to mobilise mitigation and adaptation:
  • Ingo Puhl, the South Pole Group: Market Based Financial Mechanisms to Fund Mitigation Actions in the Short Term –  Ongoing Efforts in Thailand and Vietnam
  • Chien Te Fan, NTHU, Taiwan: Taiwan’s Incubation Mechanism for successful mitigation action


Christian Huggel  from the UZH worth noting that part of the team of advisors Glaciares+ Project and PACC, which is supported by Global Climate Change Program of the Swiss Cooperation SDC in Peru.


Interest links:
Glaciers Project, fact sheet, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
PACC Perú Project, factsheetEmbassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
UNFCC Side events

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