Action on Climate Change: Phase 2 of the Climate Change Management Support Project begins

Swiss Ambassador to Peru and Officer in Charge of Portfolio for the SDC Region visit Ucayali

The project will strengthen inter-sector coordination at all levels in order to respond effectively to the effects of climate change. In this second phase it will expand activities to the Madre de Dios region.

The start of the second phase of the Climate Change Management Support Project was a good opportunity for a mission led by Markus-Alexander Antonietti, Swiss ambassador to Peru; Martin Jaggi, head of SDC Global Cooperation in the Andes; and Philippe Brunet, who is in charge of the Climate Change portfolio for the region, to visit the Ucayali region on 21 March last. The aim of the visit was to learn more about the action implemented in the area and how this project contributes to the implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), through liaison between the central government and the regions, such as Arequipa and Ucayali, where the first phase of the project was implemented.

The mission agenda included protocol meetings with the regional governor, Francisco Pezo; the mayor of the district municipality of Yarinacocha, Yerli Díaz Chota; and other authorities and representatives of the partner institutions that implemented the first phase of project.

The delegation also visited the Callería community, which participated in phase one of the project through its support for community forest management, with the «Vive Bosque» campaign that enables native communities to be informed about the opportunities, requirements and success stories about community forest management, a key alternative for contributing to their social, economic and environmental development.

On the last day, the delegation visited the district of Masisea, and identified the management of the future solar power plant as a possible recipient of project support. The plant could become a model of energy sustainability for other Amazon communities which are off the grid.

The mission was able to involve regional and local authorities in the work of the project, in order to comply with the NDC (following the Paris Agreement), focusing on the direct involvement of regional and local governments and communities in the area.

The following are the videos and photo gallery of the mission.

Official visit of the Swiss Ambassador
Ucayali regional Government declares the Swiss
Ambassador a distinguished guest
Swiss Ambassador visits Calleria native community


Image Gallery – Flickr SDC


About the project.
In the second phase, the Climate Change Management Support Project will be implemented in the regions of Arequipa, Ucayali and Madre de Dios, to improve Peru’s capacity to comply with its national-level contribution according to the Paris Agreement. It will also aim to positively influence the regional and international levels to join efforts in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The first steering committee for this second phase was held, chaired by the Minister of the Environment and attended by the president of Senamhi and representatives of the regional governments of Arequipa and Ucayali. The meeting approved the 2019 Annual Operating Plan.

The first steering committee of this phase was held on 25 March, chaired by MINAM and attended by the president of SENAMHI and representatives of the Regional Governments of Arequipa and Ucayali. The committee approved the 2019 Annual Operational Plan, and set guidelines for the work during this year, including a role during the COP 25 to be held in December in Chile.

Related links:
Web Ucayali Regional Government
Web El Choche Newspaper
Web Ahora Newspaper
More information:
Project Support for Climate Change Management, project file, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Project Support for Climate Change Management

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