Adapting water resources management to the effects of climate change in the mountain cryosphere

A webinar highlighting the importance of taking action on sustainability and improving our action on climate change.

According to the latest IPCC report, the outlook for the climate crisis is troubling and the impacts will be considerable and severe unless action is taken to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and implement urgent transformational adaptation measures for resilient development. With almost 25 per cent of the world’s population dependent on the mountain cryosphere – glaciers, snow, permafrost and ice in mountain areas – as their main source of water, urgent action is needed to safeguard those water sources, as they are shrinking rapidly and by 2030, a water crisis is imminent.

What can we do? How can we change that future? Knowledge, scientific research, and bringing science to decision-making is a good start. SDC’s Water Network (RésEAU) held a webinar on 23 June. Three experts presented an overview of the status of research on how to adapt water resources management to the effects of climate change in the mountain cryosphere, and provided information on how to adapt water resources management in the mountain cryosphere to cope with the related uncertainties and rapid changes.

Wilson Suarez, from the Peruvian National Meteorological and Hydrological Service, explained the concept of the cryosphere, its functions, how it is affected by climate change, its components and how much is concentrated in Peru.  Natalia Acero, manager of the Water and Cities Programme of Conservation International, provided a view of integrated water resources management, describing the project in the high mountain ecosystems of Bogota in Colombia, which has a vision of transformational adaptation. Fabián Drenkhan, research associate at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and member of Working Group II of the IPCC’s Sixth Adaptation Report, emphasised the effects of climate change on glaciers, oceans and the cryosphere, risks to which the Latin American region is highly vulnerable. Kenneth Peralta Nario, SDC Programme Officer, moderated the session.

Laura Neuweiler, office manager at SKAT, compiled a summary of the highlights of the seminar, which is shown below.

(PDF spanish) Wilson Suarez, Senamhi – Perú
(PDF spanish) Natalia Acero, Conservación Internacional- Colombia
(PDF spanish) Pisando hielo fino: cómo adaptar la gestión de los recursos hídricos a los efectos del cambio climático en la criósfera de las montañas (Observatorio de Tendencias del Agua de la COSUDE Trend Sheet # 2) (EN) (FR)

Useful links:
Web RésEAU Network
Web Trend Observatory

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