Safe water and basic sanitation reaches two million Peruvian citizens in the poorest rural areas
SABA, has supported the implementation of almost 1700 water and sanitation projects in the rural areas of the countries during the last two decades of the Project.
On April 26, SABA held the closing ceremony for its “Rural Water and Sanitation to close gaps” Project, at the Pedro de Osma Museum. It was presided by the ambassador of Swiss in Peru, Markus Alexander Antonietti; Raúl Molina, Vice Ministry of Territory Governance of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers; Javier Piqué, Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation; and Liliana La Rosa, Minister of Development and Social Inclusion. “One of the key achievements of SABA – an emblematic Cooperation Project between my country and Peru – is the involvement of authorities from the local, regional and private sectors, and the various governments that took place during its implementation”, Markus -Alexander Antonietti said in his opening speech.
Markus -Alexander Antonietti Ambassador of Swiss in Peru |
The minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, Javier Piqué informed that the objective of the government is to close the water supply gap at 100% in urban areas and in rural areas at 85%. Therefore, private sector participation is expected in order to close the existing gap in the sector.
The agenda of the event included the formation of two panels to inform the audience about the project history, the projects’ implementation strategy, the key stakeholders, their achievements and evolution. Furthermore, since the people who facilitated the implementation of the project in each of the 14 regions, in over 20 years of uninterrupted work, were not present, we made two videos in which the stakeholders shared how SABA impacted their lives and their future commitment with rural water and sanitation.
SABA: From past to present. The panel started with the video “Todas las voces regionales: ¿Qué significa SABA para ti? “All the regional voices: What does SABA mean for you?” followed by Mario Curo, former chairman of the Water and Sanitation Board of the Siussa (Cusco) Community. This experience demonstrates how water and sanitation can change the life of a community through investment to promote inclusive development. Other members of the panel were Gladys Masape, representative of the Municipal Technical Area of Lambayeque; Reinaldo Quispitupa, former mayor of the San Salvador district (Cusco); Mauricio Rodríguez, former governor of the Cusco Region; and Cesarina Quintana, National Officer of COSUDE’s Senior Program.
SABA: From present to future. The panel started with the video “Todas las voces regionales: ¿Cuál es tu compromiso a futuro con el agua y saneamiento? (All the regional voices: What is your commitment to water and sanitation in the long-term) and the participation of Francois Munger, former chief of COSUDE’s Global Water Initiative Program, who was able to share his vision of the project through technology. The panel helped us understand the Project scaling-up process from the regional to the national and international level through the experiences shared by Jaime Uchuya, advisor to the Vice-Ministry of Construction and Sanitation; Carlos Maldonado, head of FONCODES’ Infrastructure Project Management Unit; Juan Manuel Flechas Hoyos, from the Vice-Ministry of Water and Sanitation of the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory from Colombia; Ruy Gomide, Director of the department of Public Health Engineering from Brazil; and Cesarina Quintana, National Officer of COSUDE’s Senior Program. You can watch the panel discussion in the following video.
An emotional moment was the well-deserved recognition of all specialists who are members of the SABA team and who are no longer part of the project, but who continue to work with the same ideals and sharing the knowledge acquired with other institutions. We revisit the moment in the following video.
At the closing ceremony, Martin Jaggi, COSU
DE’s Cooperation Director, thanked those who were key to the Project development, and confirmed Switzerland’s commitment to continue promoting initiatives aimed at reaching sustainable development objective 6, in the framework of the 2030 Agenda, in order to ensure water availability, sustainable management and sanitation for all. (video)
After twenty-two years of coordinated work between the Swiss Cooperation and the Peruvian Government, and various changes and innovations in the social, technological and even the political sphere, the comprehensive Basic Rural Sanitation Project SABA + (SABA PLUS), which covers 80% of the national territory and benefits over 2 million people from at least 5000 communities from the rural areas around the world, has come to its end as Switzerland’s international cooperation project in Peru.
However, upon its completion, the SABA+ cycle, now in process of globalization – SABA is in Colombia, Brazil and other countries – has left a legacy of social transformation to the Peruvian government and the organized rural communities.
Thanks to decades of patient work to influence local, regional and national rural water and sanitation policies, the country now has a public management system that must ensure that the 72.2% water coverage and 24.3% sanitation coverage in the rural areas of Peru will help fill the existing gaps by expanding access to chlorinated water, improving handwashing, and enhancing around 25% of the rural water and sanitation infrastructure which has already collapsed, and improve the process to train public officers specialized in comprehensive water and sanitation management and citizen education for the rural population of the country.
The implementation was done in conjunction with the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, the regional and local governments of 14 regions of the country, the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion, FONCODES, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, and other public and private regional and local stakeholders; the SABA+ Project delegates the responsibility to national institutions to make sure that this sanitation management model in rural areas contributes to closing the water and sanitation coverage gap in the poorest areas of the country. SABA does not close cycles, SABA evolves.
Please note:Current water coverage is 72.2% in rural areas, and 100% coverage is expected in 2021; it started in 2 regions and today it is being implemented in 14 regions. Almost 1700 rural water and sanitation projects were supported. In two decades the Swiss Cooperation has invested around 162 million soles and the Peruvian government about 1800 million soles. Currently this effort has become a public policy throughout the territory and a model to be replicated in other countries.
You can see the photo gallery in the following link.
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Presentación Prezi SABA del Pasado al Presente / SABA Prezi Presentation Past to Present (only spanish)
Presentación Prezi SABA del Presente al Futuro / SABA Prezi Presentation Present to Future (only spanish)
Useful Links
SABA+ Project, Project Sheet, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE / Swiss Embassy in Peru
Web The SABA+ Project