In Huaraz, the representatives of the Board of Directors of Proyecto Glaciares+, through COSUDE and the National Water Authority, participated in the ceremony to present the achievements and lessons learned in the framework of Proyecto Glaciares +

The initiative promoted by the Swiss Cooperation sought to contribute to comprehensive adaptation and disaster risk reduction due to glacier retreat in Peru.


The National Water Authority (ANA) attached to the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, through Administración Local de Agua Huaraz (Local Water Administration of Huaraz) and the Glacier and Water Resources Unit, participated in the ceremony to present the achievements and lessons learned from Proyecto Glaciares+ called ‘Risk Management and productive use of water from glaciers’, sharing the successful experiences gained along seven years of management with its partners and allies.

In a special ceremony characterized by mountain themes, the main stakeholders of disaster risk management in Ancash highlighted the achievements and lessons learned under Proyecto Glaciares+, during its seven-year intervention in the Provinces of Carhuaz and Huaraz.

Local and regional authorities, representatives of public institutions, universities, and mass media attended the ceremony, and the head of the National Water Authority was also present.

In the first panel, the managers of institutions who have worked with Proyecto Glaciares+ highlighted accomplishments such as the enhancement of specialized skills, the preparation of local management documents, the reinforcement of disaster risk management offices, inputs to public investment projects for the Early Alert System (SAT) and the final Palcacocha project, facilitation of information fairs for the community, preparation of technical-scientific documents and interinstitutional coordination with the national, regional and local levels.

On the other hand, the head of the National Water Authority, Walter Obando Licera, praised Proyecto Glaciares+’ decision to prioritize the current situation of glaciers in a context of climate change, highlighting the work made by his institution through the Glacier and Water Resources Unit which – for over seven decades – has generated data on glacier dynamics, the situation of lakes, and water use opportunities; furthermore, his institution is also participating in glacier risk management. On behalf of all current institutions which have contributed to the planned objectives, he thanked the Swiss government and specially Glaciares+ for their contribution to capacity building and community outreach; additionally, he ensured that sustainability will be possible if the same institutional dynamics and commitment showed by authorities is maintained. Furthermore, he urged the National Institute of Glacier and Mountain Ecosystem Research-INAIGEM to perform coordinated work by sharing the knowledge and experience gained.

On the other hand, the coordinator of Proyecto Glaciares+, Karen Price, highlighted the institutional strengthening evident in many offices devoted to disaster risk management, as well as the capacities of their specialists. Christian Huggel -Coordinator of the Swiss Consortium – University of Zurich, informed that important technical-scientific documents must be used by specialized agencies and authorities for adequate decision making.

Finally, Jocelyn Ostolaza, National Officer of the Swiss Cooperation Program – COSUDE, thanked the involvement and open attitude of authorities and institutions, as well as the cooperative learning, and collaborative work that has generated concrete outputs.

The “Risk Management and Productive Use of Water from Glaciers” ceremony had wide coverage from the main mass media in the region. We share the following videos with interviews to the main stakeholders from the different institutions that made the implementation of the Project in the Ancash Region possible, as well as the special report on the project, prepared by the News Show Primera Edición broadcast by Channel 13 in Huaraz.

Interview to Karen Price (Proyecto Glaciares+) and Walter Obando (ANA)
News Show: El Informativo Mediodía
August 2018
Interview to Randy Muñoz (proyecto Glaciares+)
News Show: Primera Edición Canal 13
August 2018
Interview to Walter Obando (ANA)
News Show: El Informativo mediodía
August 2018
Special Report: Presentation of achievements and lessons learned
Primera Edición
Channel 13

Proyecto Glaciares+ was technically and financially supported by the Global Program on Climate Change of the Swiss Cooperation COSUDE, implemented by the Consortium CARE Perú and the University of Zurich in association with the Ministry of the Environment, the National Water Authority, el Centro Nacional de Estimación, Disaster Risk Prevention and Reduction (CENEPRED), the Peruvian Agency of International Cooperation (APCI), and the Regional Government of Ancash.

You can see the gallery of the event in the next link.

Further information:
Proyecto Glaciares, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Proyecto Glaciares

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