Global Water Partnership

GWP’s global strategy 2009-2013 argues that sustainable development will not be achieved without a water secure world. A water secure world is a world where every person has enough safe, affordable water to lead a clean, healthy and productive life. It is a world where communities are protected from floods, droughts, landslides, erosion and water-borne diseases. A water secure world reduces poverty, advances education, and increases living standards. GWP displays its activities through a network of over 2,800 Partner organisations in 164 countries. The network has 81 Country Water Partnerships and 13 Regional Water Partnerships.

GWP’s global strategy 2009-2013 argues that sustainable development will not be achieved without a water secure world. A water secure world is a world where every person has enough safe, affordable water to lead a clean, healthy and productive life. It is a world where communities are protected from floods, droughts, landslides, erosion and water-borne diseases. A water secure world reduces poverty, advances education, and increases living standards.

GWP displays its activities through a network of over 2,800 Partner organisations in 164 countries. The network has 81 Country Water Partnerships and 13 Regional Water Partnerships.


GWP’s vision is for a water secure world. Its mission is to support the sustainable development and management of water resources at all levels.
Key project data
  • Theme: Water Resource Management
  • Region: Global
  • Partners: 2,800 spread over 13 GWP Regions of intervention
  • Beneficiaries: Water users, Water Basin Organisations, Goverments, Civil Society, Academic Sector, etc.
  • Duration: January 2009 – December 2013
  • Budget: Total CHF10.000.000/year – SDC Contribution CHF 2.000.000
  • Contact:

Brief Global Water Partnership Project

Contribute to a water secure world through, equitable an efficient management and sustainable use of water

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