Ecuador: Contribution to the fight against climate change

Quiport will offset its Carbon Footprint

The Municipality and the Quito Airport signed a commitment to offset carbon footprint in the city’s Northwest forests.

On Wednesday, February 7, the Environment Secretariat and Quiport Corporation (the company in charge of the comprehensive management of Mariscal Sucre International Airport in Quito) signed a commitment to offset the airport’s carbon footprint in the Northwest forests of the Metropolitan District. The announcement was made during a press conference held in the Protocol Room of Quito Mayor’s Office. Mayor Mauricio Rodas was a witness of honor.

This area covers 124,000 hectares, which represent 30% of the total territory of the Metropolitan District of Quito. It is unique due to its natural ecosystems, biodiversity, and social organization. Consequently, for the Andean Forests [Bosques Andinos] Program it is critical to continue to have the support and work that begun in 2014 for the conservation and sustainable management of this territory as a response to the effects of climate change, with the help of various local, national, and international stakeholders.

Quiport’s commitment and the start of this mechanism’s implementation open the doors for the private sector globally to become involved in the conservation and restoration strategies that are underway in this exceptional territory, promoting wide adoption and sustainability over time. Within the framework of the Andean Forests Program, support has been provided to the Quito Environment Secretariat in the design of a carbon footprint offset system for interested companies in the city.

About Andean Forests
As part of the Global Programme Climate Change of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the Andean Forests Program combines expertise, practical relevance, and the establishment of regional and international guidelines on the subject. It contributes to and is based on existing and successful experiences of stakeholders specialized in the international agendas on forests and climate change. It should be noted that it is facilitated and advised by the Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Consortium and CONDESAN.

Source: Andean Forests

Related news:
Quito Informa Web Un nuevo aporte en el combate al cambio climático [A new input in the fight against climate change]

Related links:
Andean Forests, project sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Andean Forests Program
Video Andean Forests Program

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