SENAMHI initiative recognized as Good Intercultural Practice

The Ministry of Culture and the Public Management Secretariat of the Prime Minister’s Office awarded a certificate to the Peruvian National Weather and Hydrological Service (SENAMHI) in recognition of their initiative submitted as Good Intercultural Practice.

“Ancestral Knowledge of weather in managing climate risks: an intercultural dialog from the Peruvian Andes” is the name of the initiative that got the necessary score to be awarded the said mention within the framework of the IV Contest “Good Intercultural Practices in Public Management: Diversity, our expertise,” organized by the Ministry of Culture in 2017.

Within the context of the CLIMANDES 2 project, at the end of July 2017, 20 SENAMHI experts took part in the first joint observation encounter with the Yachachiqs -experts and bearers of ancestral climate knowledge- in the community of Huaccaytaqui –located in the district of Quiquijana, province of Quispicanchi, Cusco, for the development of seasonal forecast.

The award ceremony was held on past December 12, 2017, unveiling the winning and finalist best practices and those who achieved the necessary score to qualify as Good Intercultural Practice.

After the Qualifying Jury examination, the file submitted by SENAMHI got the necessary score to be considered a Good Intercultural Practice.

“We congratulate the significant contribution of your institution to apply the intercultural approach to public management and to consolidate a State at the service of a cultural, ethnically diverse citizenship,” emphasizes the Ministry of Culture in an official letter sent to SENAMHI CEO Dr. Ken Takahashi Guevara.

About Climandes
Climandes is part of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Global Programme Climate Change and Environment. The project aims to provide reliable, timely climate services for decision-making in the search of a more resilient development in the presence of climate variability in partnership with Switzerland’s (MeteoSwiss) and Peru’s (SENAMHI) weather services, the academy, the private sector, and the citizens. This is implemented within the context of the Global Framework for Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Source: Senamhi

Related News:

Meteorólogos, Yachachiqs y cabañuelas de los Andes [Meteorologists, Yachachiqs and cabañuelas* of the Andes [*popular calculation based on the observation of atmospheric changes in the first 12, 18 or 24 days of January or August to predict each month of the same year or next year’s.)

Related links:
See Certificate of recognition

CLIMANDES project, project sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Servicio Nacional de Meteorología e Hidrología del Perú  [Peruvian National Weather and Hydrological Service]
Web Universidad Agraria La Molina [La Molina National Agrarian University]
Web World Meteorological Organization
Web MeteoSwiss



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