Within the framework of the Climate Change Management Support Project closure

SDC participates in workshop on the role of International Cooperation in Peruvian multi-sectoral response to climate change

The workshop was attended by over 150 representatives of International Cooperation in Peru and members of the Multi-Sectoral Working Group (known as GTM-NDC and composed of 13 State Ministries and Ceplan), who discussed about the progresses and priorities with regard to climate change.

In order to connect the needs of Peruvian response to climate change with International Cooperation, the event “Meeting with the International Cooperation: allies of the Multi-Sectoral Working Group of Nationally Determined Contributions” was held in Lima on February 12 and February 14.

The event opening was attended by the Minister of the Environment Elsa Galarza, who stated that Peru and the world face a very important challenge: the fight against climate change. “The Government has set up a Multi-Sectoral Working Group to take the adaptation and mitigation actions expressed in the Nationally Determined Contributions in an articulated and synergic manner. Such a public management model is on the crest of the climate action wave and, together with good performance, serves as a role model to other countries,” she said.

The Minister of the Environment also emphasized that within the 10-year framework of the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) creation, climate change topic is part of the development of each of the country’s sectors. “In this long-term journey, the role of International Cooperation is key thanks to its support in skills building, technical improvement and innovation, institutional strengthening and support in financing leverage,” she specified.

During the event opening, Minister Elsa Galarza was accompanied by Ambassador Jorge Voto-Bernales, CEO – Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation; Mr. Jörg Ranau, German Ambassador, and María del Carmen Sacasa, representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Peru. All agreed on referring to a new way of looking at development in line with a green growth, expressed in partnerships aimed at different, efficient and ambitious results.

MINAM’s Climate Change and Desertification Managing Director Rosa Morales, on behalf of the Technical Secretariat of the GTM-NDC, presented Peruvian State’s multi-sectoral and articulated commitment vision towards climate change and the participatory multi-actor process known as “Dialoguemos” [Let’s talk], through which all actors and sectors of the country are involved in the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), such as the work in progress with the regional governments. On their part, representatives of the sectors that are part of the GTM-NDC showed their high level of ownership of the NDCs by giving details on the prioritized adaptation measures and mitigation options being developed in their corresponding institutions.

On the workshop’s first day, panels and dialog tables were held, where needs identified to implement the NDCs were presented, confirming that there are opportunities to make their implementation sustainable with International Cooperation support.

Martin Jaggi
SDC-Cooperation Director

Martin Jaggi, SDC-Cooperation Director, participated in the topic on “Link of the NDC process with the international cooperation agenda for sustainable development”, sharing table with Iris Ahr, representative of the German Cooperation; Raúl Delgado, NDC Invest – IDB; James Leslie, UNDP; and Cayetano Casado, NDC Partnership. Jaggi, said that the SDC through its Global Programme Climate Change and Environment has been working on climate change from China, India and Peru. In that regard, he also mentioned that SDC in Peru has a particular interest in collaborating with the implementation process of the NDCs, something they are currently doing through the Climate Change Management Support projects (Phase 1 and 2), Glaciares (Peru), Andean Forests (Peru, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia), and Climandes (Peru).

Finally, he said that SDC considers key that the work implemented achieves a global impact and favors the south-south knowledge transfer to facilitate the process flow and spreading of lessons learned. Being Lima main office the regional hub, “we are in a privileged location to facilitate these processes,” he highlighted. (video)

On the second day, work tables by sectors and topics were held, forming 198 partnerships with short-term resources, and 62 opportunities for creating partnerships in the long-term between International Cooperation and the Government.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the workshop was supported by the NDC Partnership initiative, the Climate Change Management Support project, the United Nations Development Program, and the German Development Cooperation, implemented by GIZ. Thus, the Peruvian response to climate change is becoming stronger and spreading more every day with the firm conviction that a climatically responsible country makes a country grow.

Climate Change Management Support is a project under the Peruvian Ministry of the Environment, financed by SDC Global Programme Climate Change and Environment, and implemented by the South South North and NGO Libélula partnership.

You may access to the event day images in the following link.


Source: Ministry of the Environment


Related links
Climate Change Management Support Project, project sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Climate Change Management Support Project



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