[Innovation and Commitment for Cleaner Air] Switzerland drives electromobility in Latin America through the CALAC+ Programme at APEC 2024

“Sustainability and Innovation for a Better Future” is this year’s key topic of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC), which takes place in 2024 in Peru and brings together 21 member economies.

In this context, the workshop “Electro mobility towards Sustainable and Safe Mobility” took place on 16th August in Lima, with the participation of the Regional Hub Lima of the International Cooperation – SDC through its Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Programme – CALAC+.

Nicole Clot, Deputy Regional Director of International Cooperation – SDC, participated as a panellist in the session “Perspectives and Visions on Electromobility”.

During her speech, Clot highlighted the role of the Regional Hub, emphasising that “Switzerland, through its International Cooperation 3.0 model, prioritises its focus on: (i) technical assistance with transformative character, (ii) demand-driven responses, and (iii) innovation and ‘Swissness’.”

Furthermore, Clot underlined that “the Swiss Cooperation is committed to working with its partners and alliances in the region, promoting knowledge exchange, fostering learning and leveraging best practices and lessons learned to incorporate tailor-made improvements to each country’s reality.”

As a concrete example, she highlighted the work being implemented by the CALAC+ Programme in Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru, which aims to strengthen public capacity to make the technological leap towards cleaner buses, optimising resources and time through peer learning and joint missions.

In the same session, Adrián Montalvo, Director of the CALAC+ Programme, presented the programme’s results in the context of electromobility and cleaner transport in the four Latin American cities.

Montalvo emphasized how the regional collaboration approach of the CALAC+ Programme contributes to creating enabling conditions that translate into improved air quality, with a positive impact on health and well-being for both, transport system users and city inhabitants.

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©International Cooperation – SDC

Spanish version

Switzerland, within the framework of its global commitments to climate change, promotes initiatives such as CALAC+ with the aim of fostering cleaner and more efficient transport, and a sustainable and resilient future. In this way, it contributes to transforming public transport in Latin America, aligning with the 2030 Agenda.

Related links:
CALAC+ Programme Website
PPT Nicole Clot, deputy regional director of International Cooperation – SDC
PPT Adrián Montalvo, director of the CALAC+ Programme
FS CALAC+ Programme

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