During a recent mission to Mexico, Christoph Graf and Rafael Millán, acting director of International Cooperation and regional program officer of the Swiss International Cooperation Regional Hub, respectively, marked a milestone in the consolidation of efforts to address global environmental and energy challenges. The visit was focused on two strategic projects, Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities (CALAC+) and Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Latin America (CEELA) and aimed to strengthen ties and share visions with local partners and teams.
The mission, warmly welcomed by the Swiss embassy in Mexico, reflected Switzerland’s commitment to promoting sustainable and efficient development. The meeting opened with a working breakfast that not only served as a space for open discussion but also reaffirmed the willingness to work together in overcoming environmental challenges.
Laying the groundwork for clean urban transportation
Within the CALAC+ actions, discussions focused on reinforcing the importance of improving urban air quality and sustainable mobility. Through strategic meetings with key actors, such as the Ministry of the Environment of Mexico City (SEDEMA), Swisscontact, and the technical teams implementing the project in Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru, achievements and challenges that still need to be addressed were shared. The external evaluation, scheduled until July, as well as the emphasis on the sustainability of the initiatives at the end of the phase, demonstrated the proactive approach towards a lasting legacy. Furthermore, the inclusion of gender perspectives in transportation and support for the Truck Fleet Self-Regulation program exemplify the comprehensive approach for cleaner air. A key moment was the field visit to the FEMSA company, where the success of the Mexico City Self-Regulation Program could be observed firsthand. This initiative permits trucks equipped with particle filters to operate during environmental contingencies, alongside efforts to introduce electromobility. This experience highlighted how collaboration between public and private sectors can be a replicable model for improving air quality in other countries in the region.
Sustainability and efficiency in buildings
On the other hand, the delegation held an important meeting with the Carbon Trust team to review the achievements and challenges of the CEELA project. This interaction highlighted the fruitful relationship between the parties, from the success in pilot projects such as Aldea Tulum, to the strong collaboration with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in strengthening the capacities of key actors in the construction sector to promote sustainable construction. The occasion was opportune to highlight the connection with local and international initiatives, the importance of synergies between the public and private sectors, the receptivity of the real estate sector, and the involvement of academia, highlighting the project´s holistic and participatory approach, and outlining opportunities for the adoption of more sustainable practices in the building design and construction. This meeting not only emphasized the value of the cooperation between several sectors, but also paved the way for future expansions of the project, seeking to replicate and scale these initiatives for greater energy efficiency and environmental sustainability at the regional level.
Coming together to forge a sustainable future
The mission underscored the valuable cooperation between Switzerland and Mexico, projecting a vision of the future where sustainability and innovation go hand in hand. In this joint effort, cross-border collaboration, knowledge exchange, and capacity building are essential. The Swiss representation, through its embassy in Mexico, played a key role in facilitating this dialogue, showcasing that joint work and commitment are essential for overcoming environmental and energy challenges in the region.
Finally, the mission achieved more than simply reinforcing cooperation; it opened new ways of collaboration and understanding, highlighting the shared commitment towards a greener and more efficient future, making it clear that, with innovation and collaboration, environmental and energy efficiency challenges can be turned into opportunities for sustainable development.
Useful links:
Web Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities CALAC+
FS CALAC+ project
Web Strengthening Capacities for Energy Efficiency in Buildings project CEELA
FS CEELA project (esp)