The Climate Route

The pedagogy of weather, climate and water for teachers in the Andes

The objective was that this information should be used in teaching and in the application of meteorology assignments, in the framework of the Education Ministry’s Environment Focus.

In the framework of the alliance between Senamhi and the Education Ministry, and through the capacity-building component of the Project Climandes 2, “The Climate Route” was developed, and a series of six workshops for popularising meteorology were developed, which aim to raise teachers’ awareness of the current effect of extreme events, such as the El Niño Event (ENSO) and environmental problems.

The educationalists stressed the new cross-cutting focus that the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) is implementing to develop the educational principles declared in the Education Act and other principles related to the demands of today’s world. They addressed the environmental focus – the fifth of the seven focuses – whose components include pedagogical management, education in risk management, health education, education in eco-efficiency and institutional administration; facilitating development at school, projects for an increasingly more sustainable environment and designing and incorporating themes on weather and climate in class plans.

For training material, educationalists worked with the Guides to the Popularisation of Meteorology for regular basic education, drafted in the framework of the Climandes project, which help to understand and learn of the importance of meteorology for Peru, reducing the high levels of unfamiliarity that are found with regard to this issue from an early age; helping the teaching staff teach and apply meteorology in Science, Technology and Environment homework, in the framework of the MINEDU Environment Focus.

The Climate Route is held in seven cities:1) Lima, in the Fanning School in Jesus Maria (1 April); 2) Tacna, in the Jorge Martorell Flores school (22 April); 3) Carhuaz-Ancash, in the Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes school (29 April); 4) Celendín- Cajamarca en in the Manuel de Piérola Castro school (6 May); 5) in Jauja-Junín at the San Vicente de Paúl (13 May); 6) at the UGEL Puno (25 and 26 May); and 7) Espinar –Cusco in the César Vallejo school (26 and 27 May).

Each of the learning sessions per workshop is accompanied by three educationalists who start each meeting, who explain the new 2017 education curriculum and present the seven focuses of MINEDU, stressing number five, the environment. It is worth mentioning that in this way, we are contributing to SDG 4 which corresponds to Education, a Goal that is part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

The Popularisation of Meteorolisation
Education and meteorology weave together a culture of prevention and ancestral information and values. Through the CLIMANDES Project and the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) the following book has been published: The Popularisation of Meteorology in Regular Basic Education, Teacher’s Manual. The book aims to help to improve teaching and learning on weather, climate, and climate change among teaching staff and students in the rural areas of the Andes.

Through this project, people are more aware of changes in the climate and can strengthen their resilience so that these changes make us strengthen the foundations with these themes. Hence, in the framework of the Climate Project, it is hoped that through the experience achieved in Peru, we shall be able to promote learning and lessons to be shared in an alliance with CIIFEN in the other Andean countries.

Climandes is an initiative that aims to provide timely and reliable climate services for decision-taking, to achieve more resilient development in the face of climate variability. It has been given priority by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as one of the eight projects to be implemented in the World Framework of Climate Services, in alliance with the Swiss meteorological services (MeteoSwiss) and Peru (SENAMHI), academia, civil society and the private sector. Climandes comes under the Programme of Climate Change of Swiss Cooperation (SDC).

You can see the books here:

Popularisation of meteorology in
Basic Regular Education Initial
PDF only in Spanish
Popularisation of meteorology in
Basic Regular Education Primary
PDF only in Spanish
Popularisation of meteorology
in Basic Regular Education
PDF only in Spanish
Links of interest:
CLIMANDES Project, project fiche, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Climandes
Web Peruvian National Meteorology and Hydrology Service
Web L
a Molina Agricultural University
Web World Meteorological Organization
Web MeteoSwiss
Web Meteodat

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