Closing of the implementation in Huaraz

Proyecto Glaciares+ transfers technical-scientific studies to authorities and institutions of Huaraz

As they get close to the end of the implementation, Proyecto Glaciares+ started the process to transfer technical- scientific studies during its stay in the Quillcay sub-basin in Huaraz in accordance with the disaster risk and water resource management approach in the context of climate change.

Therefore, since June, the Project started to develop a series of thematic workshops addressed to specialists and decision makers from different institutions and organizations from Huaraz related to disaster risk and water resource management, both at technical and management level. In the working days, stakeholders simulated the characteristics of the sub-basin in the future, and actions were proposed based on that. In this moment, the incorporation of outputs prepared by the Project is being assessed so that they can contribute to management and help implement the initiatives.

In this context, facilitators of Proyecto Glaciares+ have presented the outputs produced, the construction process, its importance, stakeholders involved, and sustainability from the moment they are owned by institutions and authorities. Some of the most important outputs: The Flooding Risk Map for Huaraz, the Disaster Risk Prevention Plan in the sub-basin Quillcay, Water Balance, Social Water Representations and the Glacier and Lake Study of the Future.

These institutions participated in the first workshops: Indeci; Ingemmet; Glacier and Water Resources Unit of the National Water Authority, management of Natural Resources and Environmental Management of the regional government of Ancash, provincial municipality of Huaraz, district municipality of Independencia, National University Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo – Unasam, Local Educational Management Unit of Huaraz, National Institute of Research in Glaciers and Mountain Ecosystems – Inaigem and Cenepred.

Glaciares+, is an initiative of the Global Climate Change and Environment Program of the Swiss Cooperation COSUDE, facilitated by CARE Perú and the Swiss Consortium led by the University of Zurich, which works in coordination with the National Water Authority and the Ministry of the Environment to make the most of water resource management opportunities in the context of glacier retreat. It is being implemented in Ancash, Cusco and Lima.


Further information:
Proyecto Glaciares, Project Sheet , Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Publications Proyecto Glaciares

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