Peru: Forestry sector experts meet with the governing bodies of the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)

In the framework of the visit to Lima of the ITTO governing bodies to start the preparations for their 53° period of sessions, last 16 June the discussion “Sustainable forests, timber production, water and energy”, was held in the premises of the Exporters Association (ADEX).

The technical discussion between professionals and executives from public and private entities was focused on two themes of particular relevance for the national and international forest sector. The first part of the discussion was focused on analysing the importance the forests –  if managed sustainably – have on the conservation of water sources and renewable energy. The second session addressed issues related to the productive chains and the tropical timber market.

Gerhard Dieterle, executive director of the International Tropical Timber Organisation (ITTO), opened the first session, stating that timber is rising considerably at a time of low productivity, deforestation, degradation and climate change.

He also said that the work which might be done in Peru to promote the forestry sector should also aim to resolve these two problems. “Timber production can be sustainable and well-managed, the private sector can be supportive and the timber industry can be of benefit for the climate and for the local economy”, he said.

Albert Bokkestijn, the director of the Andean Forest Programme, stressed the importance of the comprehensive management of the forests and Andean watersheds for the provision of goods and services and ecosystem services necessary for life in the country and the city. He also underlined the experience of the Agua Quiroz – Chira Fund, which is implemented in the north of Peru, as a reference of watershed management for ensuring water.

In turn, Shinichiro Tsuji, an expert with the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation (JICA), gave a presentation of the experience of the Probosques project which has been implementing a forestry monitoring system and an early warning system which will give important data for planning and forest zoning in Peru’s Amazon.

Erik Fischer, the chair of the ADEX timber industry committee, said that one of the objectives of the country’s forest industry is to unite the productive with the conservationist, placing value on the forest. “Ours is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change and we have a very great commitment to promote a productive and sustainable forest sector”, he said.

Finally, Jaime Nalvarte shared some of the experiences and information of the Association for Research and Comprehensive Development (AIDER) regarding community forest management: “We used to think that to talk about forests was just to talk about timber; but today we work with other alternatives that give value to the forest such as agro forestry”, he said.

It is worth pointing out that the issues addressed in this technical meeting will be useful as an input for the upcoming ITTO annual meeting at the end of November this year in Lima, and which will have as a central theme for discussion the two-fold issue of water and forests. The discussion was organised by ADEX, JICA, AIDER and the Programa Bosques Andinos.

Bosques Andinos is an initiative implemented in the countries on the Andean mountain range, and are part of the Global Programme on Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and is facilitated by the consortium Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation (Condesan).

You can see the picture gallery here.

Source: Bosques Andinos

Links of interest:
Bosques Andinos, project fiche, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Programa Bosques Andinos
Video Programa Bosques Andinos



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