“Climate Log”: Propossal of a model to implement national contribution in mitigation

Peru needs to mitigate its greenhouse gas emissions to reach a sustainable future towards 2050. The CCPlan Project leaves as legacy a proposal to achieve it.


Last February 16 a closing event was held of Phase 2 of the CCPlan Project, which started with the participation of Rosa Morales, Director of Climate Change, Desertification and Water Resources of the Ministry of the Environment (MINAM) on behalf of the Steering Committee of the Project and Mr. Martin Jaggi, Director of SDC, on behalf of the institutions that funded the Project.

In her speech, Rosa Morales pointed out: “We are assuming our responsibility very seriously; we pursue results that will leave Peru in the place it should be, complying with our commitment and the way to do it is to work with the sectors involved in its implementation. As articulators, we will contribute so that the other sectors implement the necessary measures and we are complying with this role from the Presidency of the High-Level Multi-sector Work Group that will be responsible for reviewing more than 100 actions in adaptation and mitigation to face climate change, so that the country will be ready to face the impacts of extreme climate events and may reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2030, guiding it towards a new competitive and sustainable development vision”.

In turn, Martin Jaggi indicated: “Switzerland is committed to this initiative since 2012 not only in Peru, but also in Brazil and Chile. Over the years and with the development of climate negotiations this project became a significant benchmark and generator of information for policy makers. Today we close a project that we consider has been highly useful for Peru and has allowed Peruvians to show other countries their know-how and to learn from its neighbors’ know-how in an exchange of mutual knowledge that has been very relevant. Being an initiative that defines different climate scenarios and the design of possible paths towards low-emission development, the Climate Log will be a key tool for Peru to meet its climate commitments and define its path in regards to the NDCs.”

In a moving ceremony, different actors who played a key role for the development of the “Climate Log” – a document that closes Phase 2 of the Project – as well as other documents of national interest, such as “Climate change mitigation scenarios in Peru as at 2050” and the “Catalog 77 Mitigation Options” of Phase 1”, highlighted the contribution of the project to design and prepare public tools and policies to contribute in implementing the NDC in Peru.

The “Climate Log” represents a record of the actions, methodologies, results, milestones, changes in the environs and lessons learned along Phase 2 of the CCPlan Project, proposing a model to mobilize actors, connect strategies and inspire politicians to make decisions towards a successful implementation of the mitigation actions of the Climate Contribution of Peru.

The CCPlan Project of the Ministry of the Environment, designed to contribute to the transition towards sustainable low-emission development has the support of the Global Program for Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Cooperation SDC. Its first phase took place between 2012 and 2014 to generate scientific evidence regarding the convenience of Peru to opt for low-carbon development as at the year 2050 and in its second phase, it sought to contribute to the design and preparation of public policies, tools and methodologies for a development low in Greenhouse Gas emissions.

For images of the event, click in the following link.

More information:
CCPlan Project, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Report “Climate Change Mitigation Scenarios in Peru as at 2050: Implementing low-emission development” (PDF)

Relevant links:
Web CCPlan Project
Web MAPS Mitigation Action Plans & Scenarios
Web MAPS Chile

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