With the support of Andean Forests and PACC Peru

The MEF presents capacity building expertise for public investment in ecosystem services and climate risk management

The Ministry of Economy and Finances, in strategic alliance with the Program for Adaptation to Climate Change – PACC Peru, the Andean Forests Program and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) joined efforts to develop capacities at different Government levels to achieve sustainable development, reduce vulnerability and develop conditions for adaptation to climate change.


Responding to the problems and new challenges posed by climate change to regional development, the Public Investment Bureau of the Ministry of Economy and Finances, with the support of Program for Adaptation to Climate Change PACC Peru, the Andean Forests Program and Cesal, conducted between July 2015 and May 2016, in the Cusco and Apurímac regions, the Specialization Course on «Identification, formulation and evaluation of public investment projects, incorporating risk management in a context of climate change», with emphasis on Ecosystem services and irrigation projects.

The Course consisted of 7 training modules that addressed disaster risk management, climate change, ecosystem services and biodiversity, as well as concepts and methodologies specific to the formulation and evaluation of public investment projects. The Course culminated with the presentation of 13 public investment projects, which were delivered to the regional authorities and represent an estimated investment of S/. 68’627,622.04.

In the second week of December, the systematization document «Strengthening Capacities for Public Investment in Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services Incorporating Risk Management in a Climate Change Context» was presented.

This publication shows the results and the learning generated within the framework of this collaborative experience; which focused on strengthening the capacities of officials and professionals of the Cusco and Apurimac regions in relation to the identification, formulation and evaluation of public investment projects, incorporating risk management in a context of climate change with a view to improving the sustainability of the goods and services provided by public investment under this new scenario.

Download the publication here.

Andean Forests and PACC Peru are initiatives that form part of the Global Program for Climate Change of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and are facilitated by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation.

Source: Andean Forest Web

Relevant links:
Andean Forest, Fact Sheet, Embassy os Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Web Andean Forests Program
Video Andean Forests Program
Pacc Peru Project, Fact Sheet, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC

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