[New publication] “Towards More Resilient Food Systems for Smallholder Farmers in the Peruvian Altiplano: The Potential of Community-Based Climate Services”

The book “Handbook of Climate Services” was published electronically in mid-February, 2020, edited by Walter Leal Filho and Daniela Jacob, on the Springer web platform.

In Chapter 17 (pages 327-351), the book presents an analysis of the importance of having reliable and quality climate services available for decision making, especially in the event  of natural disasters.

The chapter “Towards More Resilient Food Systems for Smallholder Farmers in the Peruvian Altiplano: The Potential of Community-Based Climate Services”, was written by Andrea Rosas, a specialist at MeteoSwiss which, together with the Peruvian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (Senamhi) and the support of Swiss Cooperation, implemented the CLIMANDES project (2012-2019). The project  achieved considerable results such as i) improved seasonal forecasting for agriculture; ii) knowledge management, training and continuous education for meteorologists and climatologists in Latin America, writing meteorological guides for teachers and iii) cross-cultural dialogue with users to establish an active interface and discussion along the value chain of climate services; studies conducted on socio-economic benefits; and joint local forecasting between meteorologists and local Andean people knowledgeable about the weather.

The following link  presents Rosas’ socio-economic analysis of the project, and how working jointly with the end user helps strengthen Senamhi as an institution, highlighting the importance for decision-making of the climate information and services value chain.

It’s a good read!

For further information:
Project CLIMANDES, fact sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web Climandes

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