[PUBLICATIONS] We capitalize on knowledge

Through our publications (articles, books, infographics, etc.), we share the knowledge and experiences gained in the different projects that we have been promoting in the framework of the Global Programs in Los Andes on water and climate change.


In this opportunity, we present the last report of the Climandes Project – Climate Services for Development. We wish you a good reading.

Designing user-driven climate servicces.
What we can learn from the Climades project:
A checklist for practitioners, scientists and policy makers

The new report of the Climandes Project provides the best practices for farmers from Peru and the Andean Region. It also includes a detailed analysis of the project’s two phases which translates into a checklist for professionals, scientists and relevant politicians. (PDF in English)

Furthermore, through infographics, we share the conclusions of the external assessment of 3 flagship initiatives of the region’s Swiss Cooperation.

Andean Forest and Climate Change
By preserving mountain forests in the Andes, we face climate change
External Assessment Phase 2. Learning more about the value of Andean forests and its key role in facing climate change
Strengths, lessons learned


Program to Support Clilmate Change Management
Action against climate change
External Assessment of Phase 1. Paving the way for gradual coordination and multisector implementation

What is the Project about?
The Project in numbers

Lessons learned and future challenges
Results of the external assessment
From risks to opportunities
External assessment of Phase 2. Learning more about glacier risk reduction and optimizing opportunities of glacier retreat

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Findings and perspectives


Rural Basic Sanitation Model – SABA+
Access to water and sanitation: Commitment and rural development
Learn more about a successful experience of coordination between public and private stakeholders for sustainable management of water and sanitation services in rural areas of Perú
The history
(Spanish / English)
The stakeholders
(Spanish / English)
Outstanding achievements
(Spanish / English)


Useful links:
Project to support Climate Change Management, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Project to Support Climate Change Management
Climandes, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Climandes
Andean Forests, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Andean Forest Program
Video Andean Forest Program
Glacier+, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Glaciers+
SABA+, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE

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