In Latin America, brick producers adopt clean technologies and improvements in production
The Energy Efficiency Program of Latin American Brick Producers to Mitigate Climate Change (EELA) initiative implemented for the Swiss Cooperation COSUDE from June 2009 to June 2017 in nine cities of eight countries in the region, sought to invest in energy efficiency projects among small brick makers, to generate benefits both locally and globally, thus directly contributing to improve the quality of life of brick makers and their families and to reduce air pollution and emission of atmospheric contaminants responsible for global warming.
After seven years of uninterrupted cooperation, the EELA completed its intervention, but its actions towards mitigating climate change with a long-term view and enriched by the knowledge and experience of peasant communities, has left a footprint as it continues moving forward.
In this respect, we are pleased to share with you a recent article published by the Daily Newspaper La Razón of Mexico, which describes the scale-up of the work being done and the knowledge and technologies transferred to close to 45,000 brick makers in the region; solutions that helped reduce a little over one million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) increase income by 10 million US dollars per year, with 110 technology suppliers selling to the brick-making sector, among other benefits.
For the complete article, you may go to this link.
For additional information:
Project EELA, project fiche, Agency, Swiss Embassy / Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Infografía EELA Program
Website Brick Makers Network