“Education and communication of weather and climate information in the Andes”

We share Marlene Dapozzo’s book published on weADAPT, which shows the work done by Climandes on cultural diversity in order to spread and exchange knowledge and make reliable climate forecasting.

“Since 2017, 16 Field Climate Workshops have taken place in the South of Peru in the regions of Cusco and Puno. These opportunities for exchange and the training of farmers from the Andean communities most vulnerable to climate change are implemented in the framework of the Climandes Project- Climate Services for Development – led by Weather Services from Perú SENAMHI and Swiss MeteoSwiss”

Read the full article here.


About Climandes
Climandes is part of the Global Climate Change and Environmental Program of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE). The Project is aimed at supplying reliable and timely climate services for decision making in order to make development more resilient to climate change in conjunction with weather services from Swiss (MeteoSwiss) and Peru (SENAMHI), the academia, the private sector and citizens. This is implemented in the context of Global Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Useful links:
CLIMANDES project, Profile Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – COSUDE
Web National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru
Web Universidad Agraria La Molina (Agrarian University of La Molina)
Web Organización Meteorológica Mundial (World Meteorological Organization)
Web MeteoSwiss

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