Working towards achieving resilient Development:

SENAMHI develops the “Workshop on needs and demand for climate services in the Agricultural sector”

Professionals and technicians from Cuzco involved in the agricultural sector participated in the workshop “Identification of Needs and Demand for Climate Services in Cuzco «, on October 13.

Causes for meteorological and climate risks in agriculture are numerous and diverse: limited water resources, drought, desertification, soil degradation, erosion, hale, floods, early frosts and many more. The rational use of weather and climate information is key to informed decision making in order to reduce associated risks and favor opportunities, improve the efficient use of resources and increase agricultural and livestock production, among other economic activities.

Accordingly, the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (SMHN) play a crucial role in supplying such information, thus contributing to a more resilient development to face climate change. In Cuzco-Peru, SENAMHI

And the Regional Agriculture Office (DRA) organized a workshop to identify the needs and demand for this information so as to adapt the climate services offered by the institution to the demand of meteorological and climate information required by the regional authorities to promote a more resilient agriculture.

The event had the participation of specialists, technicians and representatives of agricultural agencies, leaders of farming associations and authorities of institutions that form part of the Regional Climate Change Council – CORECC.

The opening speech was delivered by Juvenal Ormachea Soto, Director of Agricultural Statistics and Information of the Regional Agriculture Office, who emphasized the importance of issuing forecasts, notices and bulletins as the SENAMHI is doing.

The approach used in the workshop also made it possible to determine that communication channels such as the cellphone, internet and radio are the most recommendable media to spread the messages. Furthermore, the workshop was a favorable space to learn and receive recommendations from the participants about the presentation, content and design of the notices, hydrometeorological forecasts, warnings and bulletins, which will help in designing communication products tailored to the needs of the target public.

Upon completion of the event, Zenón Huamán Gutiérrez, Director of Zone 12 of SENAMHI, closed the workshop stating that the products obtained from this workshop would be considered for the Climandes Project to implement the User Interface Platform, where different means and resources will be used to transmit reliable and timely climate information for authorities, officials, technicians and farmers interested in improving their agricultural production in the region.

Climandes is an initiative of the Global Program for Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE) in joint efforts with the meteorological services of Switzerland (MeteoSwiss) and Peru (SENAMHI) the academy, the private sector and the citizens for implementation of the Global Framework for Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The project seeks to provide reliable and timely climate services for decision making in the search of more resilient development in the face of climate variability.

For photos of the event, click here.

Relevant links:
CLIMANDES Project, project fiche, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE)
Web National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru
Web La Molina University
Web World Meteorological Organization
Web MeteoSwiss

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