Video shows ancestral knowledge and experiences

Short film on Huaccaytaqui of Climandes was selected for the II AJAYU Animated Short Films Festival

The audiovisual production created by Senamhi meteorologists together with the Yachachig people of the Huaccaytaqui community in Cuzco was chosen as part of the Official Selection of the National Short Films category, at the Second International Festival of Animated Short Films AJAYU.

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The Andean Cabanuelas
The animated video is featured by a couple of farmers and a Senamhi meteorologist who share experiences and knowledge on agriculture and ancient practices regarding monitoring of weather and climate. The audiovisual material mixes Andean music, observation of clouds, stars and emotions to transmit the activities farmers carry out every year during the cabanuelas, an experience that is treasured by the Andean villages to manage climate variability.

The short film was produced by the community audiovisual workshop developed within the framework of the Climandes Project, with the participation of Senamhi specialists and members of the Huaccaytaqui (Cuzco) community, during the joint observation developed for the seasonal forecast through the first 24 days of last August.

SENAMHI Initiative
It is the first time that a National Meteorological Service accompanies and conducts this kind of project in order to evidence the first local forecast with communities that become more sensitive each year to of climate variability changes.

Senamhi seeks to continue with this knowledge transfer and exchange process that responds to a State intercultural, memory and social inclusion policy.

The AJAYU festival
The festival will be held from 08 to 11 November in Puno, organized by Sapa Inti Estudios and the Peruvian North American Cultural Institute (Puno branch), in coordination with the Decentralized Directorate of the Ministry of Culture in Puno and Provincial Municipality of Puno.

Climandes 2
Climandes forms part of the Global Program for Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE). The project seeks to provide reliable and timely climate services for decision making in the search of more resilient development in the face of climate variability in joint efforts with the meteorological services of Switzerland (MeteoSwiss) and Peru (SENAMHI) the academy, the private sector and the citizens. It is implemented within the context of the Global Framework for Climate Services of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

Relevant links:
CLIMANDES Project, project fiche,  Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru
Web La Molina University
Web World Meteorological Organization
Web MeteoSwiss

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