Andean Forests in Colombia

5,3 hectares of forests are restored in Antioquia

Ecological restoration processes are moving forward in Antioquia, within the framework of the “Good Practices Validation” component of the Andean Forests Program.

Global phenomena such as demographic growth, development models based on over exploitation of natural resources, change of natural cover for areas dedicated to agriculture, livestock and urban development, among other, have contributed to the deterioration of ecosystems, damaging in the process the quality of the goods and services they provide to us.

We are aware that it is impossible to stop climate effects, hence, reducing the speed of changes and their effects is one of the greatest challenges for humanity.

Ecological restoration, understood as the process to reestablish the ecological processes of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed, is one of the measures that favor both the reduction of emissions and the increase of ecosystem resilience, thus contributing to face climate change.

From the Valley of Aburra in Antioquia, Colombia, actions have been taken under the Forests Pact, to face deforestation and forest degradation. Thus, for instance, the district of Marinilla, area of Salto Arriba, has restored to date 5,3 hectares of forests. This work has been promoted with a team consisting of ten technicians and workers, who planted different species, pioneering (72,5% of planted species) secondary (15% of planted species) and climatic (12,5% of planted species) so that the growth of the species of these ecologic groups is favored.

In addition, soil monitoring and its biodiversity was performed through the presence of butterflies and birds that are now back in the area.

Furthermore, the first permanent circular lot of 500 m2 was established on site and the diameter and height of each of the specimens planted were measured.

Finally, pictures are being taken using drones to evaluate the temporary cover of the area.

Bosques Andinos (Andean Forests) an initiative implemented in the countries that form part of the arc of the Andes and forms part of the Global Program for Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (Cosude) and is facilitated by the Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation – Condesan consortium.

Source:  Andean Forests


Related links:
Andean Forests, Fact Sheet, Embassy of Switzerland, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Andean Forests Program
Video Andean Forests Program

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