People perceive the effects of climate change mainly in disasters, associated with more intense or frequent extreme weather events (heavy rains and droughts). Flash floods, landslides and floods are becoming worse and more frequent, as are heat waves and ground frosts.
The population settled in the Andes in towns or cities have historically lacked efficient planning mechanisms. Their vulnerability depends in part on their capacity for prevention, preparedness and adaptation. Climate change is an additional challenge to economic and social stability and development.
The infographic «People of the Andes» designed by the Andean Mountain Initiative, the Adaptation at Altitude project and CONDESAN, summarizes the characteristics, livelihoods, risks and challenges of the people who live in the Andean mountains.

About the Andean Mountain Initiative
The Andean Mountain Initiative is a platform composed of the seven countries that share a common territory: the Andes Mountains. Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela have voluntarily come together to strengthen regional dialogue for promoting and undertaking joint action.
About the Adaptation at Altitude Project
Adaptation at Altitude works to promote knowledge management, generating comprehensive information and analysis, and identifying solutions to climate change to integrate them into land management and decision-making, from the local to the continental scale.
The Adaptation at Altitude programme (2019-2023) is implemented in the Andes by CONDESAN, through an agreement with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It works in line with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the mountain regions of East Africa and the South Caucasus, and with the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
The project collaborates with global initiatives such as the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), the ZOÏ Environmental Network and the WeAdapt programme of the University of Geneva, and with key partners in the Andes. It supports two continental monitoring networks in Andean mountain ecosystems: the GLORIA-Andes Network and the Andean Forests Network. The project is part of the global Adaptation at Altitude programme.
Source: the Adaptation at Altitude project / Andean Mountain Initiative
For further information:
Web Adaptation at Altitude Project
Web Andean Mountain Initiative