Oslo, the most advanced city in zero-emission construction, shares its experience with representatives from Chile

Oslo, Norway, has gained worldwide recognition as the leading city in zero emission construction sites and machine electrification. Recently, as part of the Climate and Clean Air in Latin American Cities Plus Programme (CALAC+), run by the Climate, Disaster Risk Reduction and Environment section of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), the city opened its doors to receive representatives from two ministries of Chile, with the aim of learning from their experience.

Oslo’s efforts have spurred rapid private sector development in the production of electrical machinery, while the Norwegian government has facilitated the acquisition of these machines and granted advantages in tenders involving electrical machinery. This effort by the City of Oslo was recently rewarded in June 2023 in Sacramento, California, with the E-Visionary Awards 2023 for Europe, in recognition of its progress in electrifying the construction industry, consolidating its position as a world leader in zero-emission construction sites.

At the request of the Chilean Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and the Ministry of Environment (MMA), a visit to Oslo took place from 19-23 June 2023. During this visit, 13 interviews and field trips were conducted with public and private entities.

In the field of public policies, the transition strategy towards zero emission machinery was addressed, which includes economic incentives, inter-institutional collaboration of all entities involved in construction projects in the city, machinery registration and control, as well as incentives and advantages in procurement and tenders that promote the use of electric machinery.

In technical terms, interviews and visits were carried out with builders and machinery suppliers, as well as with entities responsible for electricity supply. The three main electrical machinery manufacturers in Norway, NASTA-HITACHI, VOLVO, and Pon-Caterpillar, have proven that it is possible to have this type of machinery, and showed willingness to expand the offer in the market and use it in future construction projects. The need was identified to establish early and fluid communication with the entity in charge of electricity supply in Chile, to facilitate connection to the electricity grid and to have personnel certified in high-voltage networks to serve as liaison between the energy company and the builders.

A meeting was also held with SINTEF (Applied research, technology and innovation), a research and development entity that has provided technical and scientific support to the authorities in the formulation of diagnostics and scenario analysis to establish a safe electrification pathway.

With this visit to Oslo, Chile has taken an important step towards the implementation of machine electrification in the country, in line with the goals set out in the National Electromobility Strategy (Estrategia Nacional de Electromovilidad) 2021 published by the Chilean Ministry of Energy. The knowledge and lessons learned during this experience will be of great value in addressing the challenges of climate change and improving sustainability in the construction sector in Chile and across the Latin American region.

CALAC+ Chile

Source: CALAC+ programme

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