Peru has 30 billion m3 of water, which in theory is the equivalent of 1000 m3 supply of water per head.

What is the extent of data on Peru’s water footprint?

To answer this question, journalist Rudy Chávez interviewed Martin Jaggi, SDC’s director in Peru, to talk about how the country is applying this new management tool.

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Click on the image to read the article. We hope you enjoy it.

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About SuizAgua / United by water

SuizAgua proposes a new form of cooperation through a public-private partnership. It proposes innovative tools for better water management a joint platform to measure and reduce the water footprint, and a discussion about best practices in companies that decide to opt for efficient management of water resources. The initiative will be implemented until 2020 and is four-fold, covering: i) a water footprint assessment, ii) a commitment to the value chain, encouraging suppliers and clients to take part in the reduction of impacts on the resource; iii) collective action in river basins, promoting sustainable water management; and iv) corporate strategies, integrating water risk management into the business strategy.

Related links:
SuizAgua Project, fact sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Web El Agua Nos Une

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