SDC in Perú Sostenible (Sustainable Peru) 2019

Perú Sostenible is the largest sustainability meeting in the country, bringing together those who are or seek to be agents of positive change in society and who want to learn first-hand about successful sustainability experiences within companies.


The 2019 Sustainable Peru was held on 20 and 21 August. SDC presented the panel “Climate Change: Multi-sector alliances and impact measurement” during the event,  to show the work that companies have carried out hand in hand with SDC, and to inform the general public about the work of participating companies and publicize Impact Assessment B.

The panel was composed of Kenneth Peralta, National Officer of Swiss Cooperation SDC; Guillermo Martinez, General Manager of Mexichem – Pavo; Maria Alejandra Soto, Director of Business Development of System B Peru; and Fernando Salas, General Manager of SADE Group. Analía Calmell del Solar, Corporate Affairs Manager of Minsur was the moderator.

Kenneth Peralta, COSUDE; María Alejandra Soto, Sistema B; Guillermo Martínez, Mexichem; y Fernando Salas, Sade Group.

Each of the panellists highlighted the achievements of recent years, and also provided an overview of how they will work in future, stating clearly that the main aim is to care for and preserve the environment by developing tools with a business perspective.

2019 08 21 PERU SOSTENIBLE - “Cambio Climático: De alianzas multisectoriales y medición de impacto”
Flickr image gallery

Sustainability leaders, businessmen and entrepreneurs, representatives of international organizations, the government and academia met at conferences, workshops and activities on the themes of the 5Ps that the sustainable development goals encompass: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Pacts.

For further information:
SuizAgua Project, project file, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Web SuizAgua / EL Agua Nos Une
Web Sistema B
Web Peru Sostenible



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Acerca de COSUDE

La Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación (COSUDE) es la entidad encargada de la cooperación internacional dentro del Departamento Federal de Asuntos Exteriores (DFAE). Con otras oficinas de la Confederación, la COSUDE es responsable de la coordinación general de la cooperación para el desarrollo y de la cooperación con los Países del Este, así como de los programas de ayuda humanitaria suizos.