“Vive Bosque”, a development alternative for native communities

Climate Change Management Support Project of COSUDE undertakes campaign to promote Forest Management

Within the framework of the Paris Agreement and the commitment of Peru to face climate change, the Climate Change Management Support Project of the Swiss Cooperation SDC in Alliance with the Ucayali Regional Environment Authority (ARAU), the Ucayali AIDESEP Regional Organization and Research and Development (AIDER), presented last September 19 in Pucallpa their “Vive Bosque” Campaign, aiming at encouraging social, economic, environmental and cultural benefits in the native communities, as well as informing about organization and management requirements to make it possible.

The “Vive Bosque”, campaign will disseminate the information in Spanish, Shipibo and Ashaninca, in order to reach all native communities in the region, so that all necessary subjects may be properly spread and positioned to foster Amazon development through appropriate Community Forest Management.

The campaign objectives include: i) Improving the community organization for forest control, ii) Promoting more opportunities for Native Communities through Forest Management, iii) Engaging additional efforts to raise awareness among the communities with regard to their forest resources, iv) Spreading the word that Community Forest Management creates value, v) Creating Technical Units for Community Forest Management to facilitate implementation of these actions, and vi) Valuing tradition and encouraging training associated to this subject.

Manuel Cuentas Robles, anthropologist of the Regional Environmental Authority of Ucayali, pointed out that “Vive Bosque” will enable native communities to achieve greater profits for their timber and non-timber products, thus improving their life plan and style. “The Community Forest Management will enable us to achieve greater added value to protect our forests without deforesting them, for the benefit of our families, and preserve them for future generations, as we face climate change,” he stated.

Grimaldo Villacorta, Records Secretary of ORAU, indicated that the first step to obtain greater profit from the Community Forest Management benefits was to strengthen the control and surveillance of the Native Communities territories. Thus, it is important to create and strengthen all Control and Surveillance Committees. “They will be the ones responsible for ensuring no damage is caused by third parties, asking the authorities for their assistance and demanding the cease of unlawful activities in a pacific manner”, he pointed out.

Pío Santiago, Regional Coordinator of AIDER Ucayali, mentioned that the approach of the Community Forest Management will help the Native Communities to achieve a business organization to promote responsible and sustainable Eco-businesses to preserve the forest. “This will enable associating with other companies and communities in order to access other responsible national and international markets. In this way we will be able to take advantage of our biodiversity, keeping our traditions and our respect for nature”, said Santiago.

We would like to share with you the micro-programs produced in the framework of the “Vive Bosque” campaign:

  1. Informative Micro Program, Radio Sensación 09.18.2017 (listen)
  2. Radio Stereo 100 Actualidad Indígena 18.09.2017 (listen)
  3. Radio Stereo 100 Nuevo Día_18.09.2017 (listen)
  4. Radio Stereo 100 Nuevo Día_18.09.2017 (listen)
  5. Radio Stereo 100 Voz Amazónica_18.09.2017 (listen)
  6. Radio Stereo 100 Voz Amazónica_18.09.2017 (listen)
  7. Radio Stereo 100-Programa Stereo Noticias 18.09.2017 (listen)
  8. Radio Stereo 100-Mirador Regional_19.09.2017 (listen)
  9. Radio Sensación_Atalaya _20.09.2017 (listen)
  10. Stereo 100_Voz Amazonica_ 20.09.2017 (listen)

In order to listen to all the micro programs produced to this date, you can click on the following link.

The Project forms part of the Global Program for Climate Change and Environment of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (COSUDE)., in alliance with the Ministry of the Environment of Peru and other public entities involved in the implementation of the National Strategy for Climate Change.

Source: Daily Newspaper La Gaceta Ucayalina / Digital Journal Impetu.pe

Relevant links:
Climate Change Management Support Project, fact sheet/, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation COSUDE
Web Climate Change Management Support Project

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