54% of the global population lives in the cities, it is necessary to visualize alternatives to prevent damages to the ecosystem.

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Urban Housing and Development ‘Habita III’ will be held in Ecuador

Representatives of 193 member States that will attend the Conference in Quito intend to adopt the New Urban Agenda, which will provide general guidelines and concepts to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urban development.

The first edition of this conference took place in 1976 in Vancouver, when 37% of the world population occupied the cities, while for the second edition, held in Stockholm in 1996, these figures had risen to 45%. For this year, according to the official figures of Habitat for Humanity, the population living in cities has increased to 54%, which represents a great challenge for the sustainability of cities.

Andean Forests in Habitat III
The Andean Forests Program will have an active participation in the World Summit, supporting the presentation of the experience of the Mancomunidad del Chocó Andino (Ecuador) from October 16 to 20 on governance and sustainable production processes as part of the Sustainability Expo-Fair.

The direct registration through the website rumboahabitat3.ec opens a space for participation to the community, particularly for professionals, academia and consultants, who will have the possibility to contribute in the dialogue about a new urban agenda. More than 20,000 persons are expected to attend this world conference, including representatives from 193 member States and delegations from 130 countries and their respective cities.

The Andean Forests Program forms part of the Global Program Climate Change of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in alliance with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation and CONDESAN.

Use the following link for online registration

More information at:
Web Habitat III
Facebook Habitat III

Related links:
Proyecto Bosques Andinos, Fact sheet, Swiss Embassy / Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC
Web Programa Bosques Andinos
Video Andean Forests Program

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