Achievements, shared experiences and political dialogue

Laying the foundations for a National Sanitation Policy

Water and infrastructure constitute one of the most important topic axes for the Peruvian government, and along this line, SABA+ has become the model to be followed in the framework of social inclusion policy. This is a successful rural sanitation model scaling up at national and international level.

In this respect, the publication of the document Grounds for a National Sanitation Policy was presented in July, prepared by Milton Von Hesse[1] for the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, with the support of the Swiss Cooperation SDC. This publication proposes strategic guidelines in matters of funding and investment efficiency of the governing entity and the sub-national governments, and sets out management models in urban and rural matters to achieve universal cover and quality service.

In his speech, Mr. Von Hesse highlighted the importance of promoting awareness within society and institutional dialogue to maximize the conveyance of knowledge through accumulation of experience gained in the sector and lessons learned over the past years to help face the challenges and achieve the SDGs in the years to come. He also emphasized that “More important than the availability of funding for infrastructure investment, is the need to pay attention to the institutional system governing the sector and the management models that prevail in the country, especially the public municipal management model.”

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Peruvian government, the Swiss Cooperation SDC has been technically and financially supporting initiatives related to water and sanitation matters, in close coordination with the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion and the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation, aiming at contributing to improve access to services, coverage of quality water and basic sanitation services for underprivileged rural zones of the Peruvian population and to enrich the global discussion with capitalization of experience.

You may unload the publication in this link.

Related news:
News Presentation of Proposal of Foundations for a National Sanitation Policy
Relevant links:
SABA+project, Project Sheet, Swiss Embassy, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC


[1] Former Minister of Housing, Construction and Sanitation


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