Water Diplomacy

Together with climate change, water is becoming the most pressing environmental and social issue of the 21st century. The water resource management sector has to face the new global changes at a faster rate than ever experienced before: population growth, migration, urbanization, climate change, land-use changes and economic alterations. From this point of view, many trans-boundary rivers are a hot spot justifying SDC’s engagement with its instrument of cooperation.

Together with climate change, water is becoming the most pressing environmental and social issue of the 21st century. The water resource management sector has to face the new global changes at a faster rate than ever experienced before: population growth, migration, urbanization, climate change, land-use changes and economic alterations. From this point of view, many trans-boundary rivers are a hot spot justifying SDC’s engagement with its instrument of cooperation.

According to SDC’s experience, many countries in the world are ready to discuss a coherent set of common and consensual policies, laws and institutions for a sustainable management of shared water resources. These principles are at the forefront of the water diplomacy principles.

Its ultimate goal is to bring the countries to agree on the socio-economic, environmental and political benefits derived from the use of water and ensure the enforcement of adjusted cooperative management mechanisms.

Building River Dialogue and Governance (BRIDGE) – Phase 3

Water Diplomacy and Governance in Key Trans-boundary Hot Spots

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BRIDGE Building River Dialogue and Governance

Water Diplomacy and Governance in Key Trans-boundary Hot Spots

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Construyendo Diálogos para la Buena Gobernanza del Agua

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